Temporary Outdoor Business Operation (TOBO) Grant
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of San Diego has supported local businesses by issuing TOBO permits to allow them to expand operation into the public right of way. Many restaurants used these permits to construct outdoor dining areas in the public parking stall(s) directly in front of their business.
To further support local businesses and encourage an accessible environment for their guests, the Economic Development Department is offering grants of up to $3,000 to make accessibility improvements in the outdoor areas. For a limited time, businesses that have TOBO permits (or are in the process of acquiring TOBO permits) are eligible to apply for the grant*.
Funds can be used for labor and/or the cost of materials, including but not limited to: accessible ramps, metal bridge plates, framing material, guard rails, crowd control barricade (K-rails), retro reflectors, temporary bollards, exterior lighting, shades/awnings, planters, perimeter fixed seating, and temporary posts, wheel stops, barricades or their equivalents.
* Restrictions apply. Visit https://www.sandiego.gov/economic-development/business/tobogrant for full eligibility requirements.
Get a CASp Inspection
A Certified Access Specialist is qualified to evaluate existing facilities for accessibility compliance and offer recommendations for improvement. By having your facility evaluated by a CASp inspector, we can help provide you with the required backup documentation needed to receive the grant funds:
Written description of replacement or new feature(s) to be added to demonstrate compliance with ADA and other regulations.
In addition to assisting you with the backup documentation, a CASp inspection can limit your exposure to an ADA lawsuit. San Diego is currently experiencing a high level of ADA litigation for non compliance of outdoor dining. For more information about the benefits of a CASp inspection visit our “What is CASp” web page.
The TOBO Grant is a First Come, First Serve Program
Schedule a CASp inspection and submit your application before the funds are gone!
Temporary Outdoor Business Operations Webpage - https://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/permits/temporary-outdoor-business-operation-permit
TOBO Grant Webpage -